Dear Colleagues,
Progressive climate change and depletion of traditional fuels lead to the search for new solutions in the field of renewable energy production. The anaerobic digestion is recognized as one of the most promising technologies that indicate several environmental benefits, the most important ones include: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, management of organic waste, thus reducing the need for landfill disposal, production of nutrient-rich digestate that might be used as a fertilizer. However, the most important is generation of high-quality renewable fuel, e.g., biogas. It is known as a versatile source of energy that finds several applications, such as production of electricity and heat, as vehicle fuel, and in several different types of industry.
However, despite numerous studies in the field of AD, there is still a need to improve the process performance, and hence increase biogas production. The main aim of this Special Issue of the journal Energies is to publish original papers, as well as extensive reviews related to recent and novel developments in the anaerobic digestion process, including application of pre-treatment methods, implementation of anaerobic co-digestion and bioaugmentation strategies, trace elements supplementation, and utilisation of various bioreactors configurations. Moreover, the studies in the field of purification and utilisation of biogas, and also regarding improving energy efficiency of AD are in demand.
Dr. Aleksandra Szaja
Guest Editor
The deadline for manuscript submission is *30 June 2024* (but an extension can be granted, if necessary). For more details please visit the website:
Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "NAZWA PROGRAMU" POWR.00.00.00-00-z000/00-00